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This is the cool site

Welcome to the madest web site in history

This web site contains lots of cool stuff so if your not cool don't bother looking at the cool site

My Warhammer

I collect warhammer 40000 and I collect imperial guard(catachans) the worst army you could colllect is probaly Orks they are so sad and only have a 6+ save. My friend G.C. winges because I hack on is crapy Orks also, they don't have tanks all they have is wartrucks and buggies.

World industries (lite weights)

The new lite weight pro decks look so cool(you can see them in the pictures page). My friend has a World industries and he is pritty good and a few other friends of mine are good also.

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Cool Picture
This guy skates for world industries he must be good and hes going up a ramp.

More pictures over the page

There are some really cool picture on the pictures page so look them up there cool
